Maintenance for our Bodies

What do you take better care of? Your car or your body?

Just like we do all we can to prevent a car crash, we should do all we can to prevent our bodies from crashing!  Just like we get gas, oil changes, new tires, and regular maintenance on our vehicles to ensure they work properly and don't cause us to crash, we need to make a maintenance plan for OURSELVES! Want to make your health a higher priority? Make a list of what you put ahead of taking care of yourself.  Mine is kids, cleaning, & work. Then make a list of some healthy habits you want in your life. Mine are drinking plenty of water, getting enough sleep, making time for exercise, taking time to mediate (reading, praying, yoga, etc.), & eating healthy most of the time. Having a plan in writing always helps. Put your plan somewhere visible as a reminder to make time for taking care of YOU!!

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